Serving size is 1/3 cups. Good concentrated source of calories and nutrients.
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 cups RAW walnuts
1 tsp Kosher salt
1 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp Onion Powder
1 tsp "Kick'n Chicken" seasoning
1/2 tsp Sugar
Chop up the cup of Walnuts and place them in a small skillet over medium to medium high heat.
Toast them in the pan for a few minutes, when you can smell the nutty scent in the air they are done.
Add the Tbsp of Olive Oil to the skillet and toss the walnuts to coat them.
Sprinkle on the salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, Kick'n Chicken seasoning and Sugar and toss the walnuts to ensure even coverage.
Remove the walnuts onto a plate with paper towels to cool and to get rid of any excess oil.
*the sugar gives a little sweetness that goes really well with the spicy seasonings
Store in an air tight container.
These are great on salad, in pasta dishes or just as a snack by themselves.
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